1.新时代文化扶贫的现实困境与路径探究,江淮论坛. 2. ,Hermathena 3. Research on the Cooperation Path of Industrial Information Security Industry between China and “One Belt and One Road”Countries. 4.构建完善的农民工返乡创新创业支撑体系,光明日报理论版. 5.西方文化帝国主义与中国农村地区文化安全建构,广西社会科学. 6. On the New Forms of Cultural Imperialism in the Information Age. 7. A study of College Students' cultural self-confidence Education under the background of cultural imperialism. 8.把“四个自信”融入思政理论课教学全过程,光明日报理论版 9.信息时代文化帝国主义新形式探析,理论探讨. 10. ,北方论丛. 11.文化帝国主义背景下大学生文化自信探析,黑龙江高教. |